
Henry Rummage and the Marca Key is a debut young adult fiction novel by Andrew Priest. There is no profanity, violent or sexual content and so the book is suitable for any age.

With a fast pace of action, adventure and mystery, intertwined with sci-fi, there is something for everyone  in the book.

List of chapters:

Pole Acre Lane
Hood Winked
Nab O’Malley
Inside Job
Big News
Harvard Yard
Wake Up!
Separate Ways
Saint Telmo
The Pilgrim Ghost
Goldfish Park
Arlo Hawkins
Old Man of the Sky
Aramu Muru
The Octrover Challenge
Planum Australe
End of the World
Red Spiders
Micro Denis

Available now on Amazon in paperback and e-book formats.


I’m currently working on my second novel and will have more news on that soon.

Thanks for visiting the website and if you read the book, I hope you love it!